

Justice and Environment network has recently published a new legal analysis on improving the quality of Applicability Assessments under Art 4(7) of  Water Framework Directive (WFD) and on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a role model for the

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“Спонсорство” - последната буква от TAPS, заслужава разгадаване. Малцина знаят какво е спонсорство от тютюневи компании и защо се препоръчва ограничаването му, а още по-малко от тях имат желание или възможност да предприемат нещо. Целта на проведеното изследване е да вдигнем завесата над спонсорството на тютюн, да очертаем и разберем ситуацията в българското общество.

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Отчет на дейностите на Фондация БлуЛинк и разпределение на разходите по стратегически направления през 2018 г. 

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Описателен отчет за дейността на Фондация "БлуЛинк" за 2017 г. 

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Цифровото правосъдие беше сред важните дискусионни въпроси на Дванадесетата среща на Работната група за достъп до правосъдие към Конвенцията от Орхус, която се състоя от 28 февруари до 1 март 2019 г в Женева.

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The digital justice was among the important discussion points at the Twelfth Meeting of the Task Force on Access to Justice to the Aarhus Convention which took place in Geneva, 28 February–1 March 2019.

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2018. Marzec, W., Civil Society Rejected – Structural Pathways and Historical Evidence from Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria. Research report. 

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The primary goal of the second volume of the State of Civil Society in the EU and Russia report, produced by the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, is to capture similarities and differences in the shape and nature of challenges faced by civil society organisations in Russia and the EU, with a view of enhancing mutual understanding and knowledge and, consequently, creating better opportunities

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This report attempts to set the context for cooperation between EU and Ukraine for climate change policy implementation and, more specifically, within the framework of the commitments to the Paris Agreement adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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Statement of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum members in support of Bulgarian civil society organisations, engaged in the struggle for rule of law and defending the environmental, democratic, social justice and human rights norms of the European Union

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