

The global and EU context of decarbonization of steel industry

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

The project "Journalism and science for climate" aims to improve the insufficient and often misleading coverage of climate change mitigation in the media in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia. We implement it in partnership with Climateka (Bulgaria), Klima101 (Serbia), Masfel Fok (Hungary), InforClima (Romania) and with the support of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI).

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

On Monday May 16, 2022 the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will vote Amendment 393 to the Governance Regulation (2018/1999), which would insert a duty for each Member State to set out by 30 June 2023 the date by which they have decided that they will reach climate neutrality.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

On Wednesday April 21 after 14 hours of discussions negotiators from the European Parliament and the Member States reached a concensus on the specific elements of the draft European Climate Law. This is considered a big step forward to a climate neutral Europe by the environmental community. Here are the most important negotiated points:

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Almost one year ago, in March 2020, following the implementation plan of the EU Green Deal agreement, the European Commission prepared a proposal of a European Climate Law. It aims to set up a legally binding target of net-zero green-house gas emissions by 2050. Once the law is adopted all EU member states are bound to take necessary actions to meet the target.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

BlueLink's Executive Editor Dr Pavel Antonov (left on the photograph) trained climate speakers in Warsaw, on May 10, 2017, as part of a team, assembled by the Climate Reality Project Europe and WWF Poland.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Управляващият редактор на д-р Павел Антонов (вляво на снимката) проведе обучение за говорители по проблемите на климата на 10 май 2017 г. във Варшава, заедно с експертен екип от европейския клон на проект "Климатична реалност" и WWF Полша.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink