Resisting War and Division. BlueLink Annual Report 2022

BlueLink is a foundation registered in public interest in Bulgaria with the mission to uphold civil society, democracy, shared European values and environmental sustainability. BlueLink strives to its purpose by supporting internet networking, public interest journalism, policy advocacy and research. In 2022 BlueLink continued engaging with various challenges on national and regional level, related to:
- propaganda against democratic, environmental and human rights values and increasing pressure from counter movements;
- anti-democratic, anti-European, anti-environmentalist and anti-human/social rights government agendas;
- undermining of environmental and human/minority/gender rights defenders’ participation in government decision making;
- deepening divisions and alienation within civil society caused by social e-networking and the worsening state of independent watchdog journalism in public interest; as well as
- remediating manipulation and other social effects, caused by the continuing COVID-19 pandemic
To address these challenges, in line with its 2021-2023 Strategy, BlueLink operated in three key action areas:
- Connecting the civil society network to journalists working in the public interest and providing communication and media training to activists and journalists;
- Providing targeted support for civil society networking, public participation and advocacy; and
- Conducting applied research and analyses.
The report is available in Bulgarian and English on the links below.