Call for Papers: Eco-innovations for Green Economic Change and Shared Prosperity in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia

Eco-innovations for Green Economic Change and Shared Prosperity - International Practice and Policy Research Conference for Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia
Sofia, on November 9 – 10, 2017
Without changes in the way we produce our energy or food, build our houses, transport goods and commute to work or for touristic purposes, there is no way to end the overuse of resources and the social inequality and mitigate climate change. EU policies and strategic documents, such as Europe 2020, the EU Energy Roadmap 2050, EU Climate Adaptation Strategy, outline approaches to renewable energy and green and circular economy. But how do they apply to post-socialist member states and candidates countries in South Eastern Europe? How can eco-innovations contribute to a lasting change of economy and society at large? What are the drawbacks and challenges of green economy that we need to deal with, to make sure it brings shared prosperity and environmentally sustainable development for everyone. And how can politicians, activists and business communicate effectively, to take society at large on board of the transformation to green economy?
Researchers, policy analysts and practitioners are invited to propose papers in response to these, and related questions, to an international conference Eco-innovations for Green Economic Change and Shared Prosperity in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia on November 9 – 10, 2017. The conference is part of a Re-Vision the Economy in the Balkans: Change Policy not Climate project implemented jointly by the BlueLink Foundation, Bulgaria, Networked, Serbia and the Sunrise Association for Sustainable Social and Economic Development Sunrise, Macedonia, and the Green European Foundation in Brussels. The project aims to foster economy transformation towards environmental, low-carbon and energy efficient reduction, along with increasing prosperity and equity in society.
A comparative study of the policy landscapes in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia, practical and political recommendations to achieving equitable green economy in the three countries will be presented and discussed at the conference. The conference will respond to one of the priorities of Bulgaria’s forthcoming presidency of the EU in 2018: eco-innovations as a drivers to the economic progress. How can they work for achieving shared prosperity and democratization of the society (i.e. we argue that eco-innovations allow more people to benefit from economic growth than from traditional economic activities).
The main objectives of the conference include:
- contributing to the development of Pan-European policies and good practices towards the transition to green economy and counteracting climate change;
- raising awareness of decision makers, NGO activists, trade unions, academia, media and citizens about the potential for economic development based on the principles of green economy;
- stimulating changes in production and consumption patterns; and
- promotion of the participatory approach in policy making concerning green economy, directed towards the democratization of the decision making process and restoration of economic and political power in the local community.
Abstracts submissions and logistics
No participation fees will be charged.
The working language of the conference is English.
The conference will include research papers, position papers, investigation presentations, or multimedia/film presentations. It will lead to the publication of an edited report on green economy policy and practical perspectives in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia.
Proposed papers should take up to 15 minutes of presentation, followed by 5 minutes of questions and debate. Presentations might be grounded in ongoing research, journalistic practice or activism.
Paper/presentation proposals should include all of the following details of the proposed contribution:
* the name(s), affiliation(s), email(s) of presenter(s);
* title of paper/report presentation and chosen stream (academic or practitioner);
* abstract (max 300 words); and
* a brief bio of the author(s) (max 150 words).
Abstracts can be submitted and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by Sunday, October 8, 2017. Earlier submissions are encouraged. Invited participants will be notified by Tuesday, October 10, 2017.
Paper proposals and inquiries should be submitted by email to someone [at] yoursite [dot] com (office <at> bluelink <dot> net), attn. Ms Eva Stoyanova, Ressearch Associate, or Dr. Pavel Antonov, Conference Research Coordinator, BlueLink Foundation.
For more information about the conference and the call for papers, please visit:
The project Re-Vision the Economy in the Balkans: Change Policy not Climate (name) is implemented by the Green European Foundation, BlueLink Foundation, Bulgaria, Association Sunrise, Macedonia and Association Networked, Serbia with the financial support of the European Parliament.