News from BlueLink


From June 2018 until January 2019, BlueLink Foundation provided expert inputs to the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum project Environmental Assessment Watch (Implementation of SEA and EIA: civil society monitors the situation in countries).

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

On the 11-14th of February, BlueLink, in partnership with the Russian Ecological Rights Center BELLONA, held a workshop for environmental journalists and activists from Russia and the EU.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

BlueLink joined human rights and digital rights organisations who have sent an open letter to the European decision-makers asking them to add human rights safeguards to the proposed Copyright Directive on the Digital Single Market throughout the negotiation process.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

BlueLink supported the civil "Protest Against Violence Against Women" that took place on November 26, 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The protest was organized by the Bulgarian Fund for Women (BFW) for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

EcoPartners, Tirana, and,  Bulgaria, launched Rural Watch - a  EU-sponsored initiative to improve quality of life and ensure a clean and safe environment by addressing pressing issues caused by extractive and energy industry (EEI)  in the rural areas of Albania.   Rural Watch aims to improve environmental performances of energy and extractive industries in

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

BlueLink's project Rememebering Europe: Civil Society Under Pressure Again was funded by the EU's Europe for Citizents programme, with the purpose of bringing up European remembrance of ostracism and pressure against civil society to help contemporary European civil society organisations (CSOs) who are under various forms of pressure at present.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

From 7th to 9th October 2018, the ‘Peaceful Revolution Foundation’ (German Stiftung Friedliche
Revolution) hosted an International Round Table with the title ‘A Network of Freedom and
Democratic Movements’. Representatives of freedom and civil rights organizations, among them

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Bluelink is launching a campaign "Free Speech v.s Hate Speech: Online security for Environmental, gender and human rights activists in Bulgaria" to reasearch ways, routs and consequences of online hate speech against civil society activists in Bulgaria as well as to give a start to effective counteractions that activsts can use in their work.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Ecological rights centre BELLONA in partnership with the Bulgarian BlueLink Foundation, Association of the environmental journalists in Russia, Russian-German bureau of environmental information, Committee for saving Pechora, Perm organization for animal protection "Za Zverey" and Rostov organization "Eco-Logica" with the support of the

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

BlueLink signed an open letter by digital rights' defenders to the EU's Commission, calling for action to protect fundamental rights enshrined in Articles 7, 8 and 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as interpreted by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink