Набираме желащи да разследват трансгранична корупция

Eкспертната група за борба с трансграничната корупция към Форум на гражданнското общество ЕС-Русия набира журналисти, блогъри или активни граждани, които желаят да се включат в текущ проект. Изисква се демонстриране на опит и мотивация за разследвания, както и способност за работа и писане на английски. Владеене на руски е предимство. Фондация "БлуЛинк" е член на форума и ще подкрепи работата на поне един участник от България. Молим желаещите да се възползват да се свържат с д-р Павел Антонов чрез формата за контакти на фондацията. Срокът за кандидатстване е 13.05.2016 г.
Expert group “Fighting Transborder Corruption”
Call for applications
Deadline for applications – 13 May 2016
We are looking for motivated anti-corruption investigators to join the activities of the Fighting transborder corruption: building capacity for EU and Russian civil investigators project aimed at fighting cross-border corruption between EU and Russia. Applicants may be civil society activists, journalists, social researchers or other individuals, able to demonstrate the needed skills and motivation for participation. We shall select three investigators from Russia, and three – from EU member states.
About the project
For the goals of this project, transborder corruption means international economic or financial relations involving both Russia and EU countries where indications of abuse of power for private gain by officials are visible. Often this is the case in infrastructural, construction or extraction projects that are closed for public oversight, characterized by lack of transparency, accompanied by violation of human rights, rights of local communities and environmental damage.
The main purpose of the project: strengthening cooperation between Russian and EU civil societies in fighting transborder corruption through improving quality of investigations of the international expert group, strengthening and widening international investigative network and raising public awareness.
Within the 10 months of the project (June 2016 – March 2017), selected participants will increase their knowledge on methods of anti-corruption investigations, international anti-corruption legislation, investigation tools; they will learn about the experience of civil anti-corruption investigations in Russia and the EU countries. A training will be held at the start of the work with Russian and European experts.
In the course of the project, each participant will be required to conduct at least one investigation of a transborder corruption case (case study) which will be considered for publication in the final expert report of the group (March 2017).
Participants will benefit from the project by widening their international contacts, taking part in large-scale international investigations, and improving quality of their own investigations.
International travel, accommodation, and meals at group events, as well as translation and fees for official information requests will be reimbursed to participants (after consideration of each individual case). Participants will also be assisted in obtaining additional funding for their investigations.
Selection criteria:
- Nationality: Russian Federation, EU countries (possible exclusions are to be considered in each individual case).
- Occupation: Journalists (including freelancers), bloggers, human rights and environmental activists, students, and active citizens.
- Experience in conducting own anti-corruption investigations. To be selected, applicants must demonstrate at least one previous investigation, to be submitted along with the filled in application form. For the purposes of this project, a publication is an independently conducted investigation published as an article, reportage, book, report, TV or radio program, or on your own website or a social media webpage. Eligible for the project are investigations published in a framework of university course or dissertation.
- Very good written and spoken English. English is the working language for the entire communication within the group. Final expert report is to be published in English and Russian. A good command of Russian would be an asset.
Required application papers
1. Application form. Please fill in at http://goo.gl/forms/5hFoKmujKy.
2. At least one own investigation sample: article scans, video- or audio files along with URLs.
Project schedule
Important dates
Deadline for applications: 13 May 2016
Decision making and application selection announcement: 16 May 2016
Project meeting / training (Albena, Bulgaria): second half of June 2016;
Own investigation and participation in communication of the group: June 2016 – November 2016;
Publication of the final expert report: February 2017.
Contact for application submissions
How to apply
Please fill in the application form at: http://goo.gl/forms/5hFoKmujKy
Please submit a sample of one of your published investigations (case studies) – video-, audio file, scanned article, etc. to: ftc2016application [at] gmail [dot] com
If you have any questions please contact us at: ftc2016application [at] gmail [dot] com