Bluelink supports the call to free Alexey Navalny

The Board of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, an umbrella organization BlueLink is a member of, demands that the authorities of the Russian Federation immediately cease their politically motivated attack on the Alexey Navalny's organisations and allow the politician to be visited by doctors of his choice in prison.

"We support the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Navalny’s arrest and call for his immediate release based on the decision of the European Court Of Human Rights (ECHR) from 17 October 2017, - says in the statement, - "We are drawing the attention of international institutions to blatant human rights violations in the Russian Federation against peaceful protesters and are calling on the Council of Europe bodies to protect the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens in line with the norms and standards of international and European law."

Alexei Navalny was imprisoned in February when he returned to Russia after receiving medical treatment following the poisoning with "Novichok". He received 2.5 years in prison for the old case, for which he got a suspended sentence. In prison, his health deteriorated, but he could not receive the necessary medical care. Because of this, on March 31, Navalny went on a hunger strike.

Following a lack of response from Russian authorities, Navalny's supporters staged protests on April 21st in 60 Russian cities. The protests were traditionally followed by detentions. According to the non-governmental organization OVD-Info, which specializes in monitoring protests in Russia, more than 1,900 arrests were made before and during the protests.

Blulink supports the statement of the Board of the EU-Russia Civil Forum and calls Russian authorities to release Alexey Navalny and hundreds of other political prisoners in the country.

The full text of the statement in English.

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