Call for Renewable Energy Projects in Developing Countries

EKOenergy – an international not-for-profit ecolabel – is launching a call for renewable energy projects in developing countries.
In order to bring additionality to renewable energy purchases and help realise SDG 7 (affordable, clean energy for all), the EKOenergy ecolabel raises funds for new renewable energy projects in developing countries and regions.
For each MWh of EKOenergy-labelled energy sold, licensed sellers pay 0.10 € to EKOenergy’s Climate Fund. These contributions go to carefully selected renewable electricity projects aimed at alleviating energy poverty in developing countries and regions. All financed projects are managed by experienced organisations and are implemented in cooperation with local NGOs.
The call is looking for 4-8 new projects of 15,000 to 30,000 € each. Interested organizations should submit project ideas by 7 March 2021. The 15 best ideas/proposals will be invited for the second round in April 2021.
Later this year, there will be a second call in cooperation with the Siemenpuu Foundation, for renewable energy projects by local organisations in Mali, Myanmar and Nepal.
The project proposal should be written in English and sent as a pdf document (maximum 3 pages) to ekoenergyfunds [at] sll [dot] fi with an appropriate title (such as EKOenergy Climate Fund project proposal 2021).
More information about the call can be found here.
EKOenergy is an international not-for-profit ecolabel for renewable electricity, renewable gas, heat and cold, managed by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation. It is also an international network of environmental NGOs, which aim is to promote the use of sustainable energy. BlueLink is a member of the network.