'Civil Society Ostracism before and after EU accession - and how to deal with it?

Reflections on the collective memory of attacks upon civil society in the pre-EU era, and today’s growing pressure against critical civil society in the CEE countries will be discussed on December 7, 2017 in Budapest, Hungary, at a roundtable hosted by the BlueLink Foundation (Bulgaria), the Department of History and the Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies at the Central European University, in partnership with the Andrassy University – Budapest.
Speakers at the roundtable discussion include Balazs Trencsenyi, head of the CEU Department of History; Donatella della Porta, professor of political science and political sociology in the European University Institute; Daniela Neubacher, transborder protest researcher, Andrássy Universität Budapest; Sara Heltai, Deputy Programme Director of Greenpeace CEE. The discussion will be moderated by Pavel P. Antonov, the Executive Editor and Co-founder of the BlueLink Foundation.
The roundtable will open an academic and practitioner workshop entitled “Remembering Europe – Civil Society Under Pressure Again”, scheduled for the 8-9 December, 2017, which will gather historians, political/social researchers, civil society practitioners, journalists, policy makers from Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and other CEE countries.
This activity is part of the project “Remembering Europe: Civil Society Under Pressure Again”, implemented by the BlueLink Foundation with co-funding from the EU's Europe for Citizens Programme. No responsibility for the content could in any way be attributed to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission. All responsibility for the content lies with the BlueLink Foundation.