Eco-innovations for Green Economic Change and Shared Prosperity - International Practice and Policy Research Conference

Papers on green economy in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia will be presented at an international conference entitled Eco-innovations for Green Economic Change and Shared Prosperity. The conference will take place on November 10, 2017, Friday at Forum hotel, Tsar Boris III Bld, No. 41 in Sofia, Bulgaria. 

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The topic of the event is closely related to one of the major priorities of the Bulgarian presidency of the EU, which starts on 1 January 2018, as defined by the so called EU presidency trio (Estonia (Jul-Dec 2017), Bulgaria (Jan-Jun 2018) and Austria (Jul-Dec 2018) during the meeting of the Council of the EU ministers of the environment which took place on 13 and 14 July, 2017 in Talin, Estonia: eco-innovations as an engine for the transition to circular economy and stimulating green investments in energy transformation and clean technologies, in order to spur the overall competitiveness and achievement of shared prosperity across the EU.

The conference is organized within the regional project Re-Vision the Economy in the Balkans: Change Policy not Climate project implemented jointly by BlueLink Foundation, Bulgaria, Networked, Serbia, the Sunrise Association for Sustainable Social and Economic Development Sunrise, Macedonia and the Green European Foundation with the financial support of the European Parliament.

Without changing the way in which we produce our energy and food, build our homes, transport goods and commute to work and for pleasure there is no opportunity to restrict the excessive use of resources and social inequality, nor to mitigate climate change, remind the four project partner organizations.

A comparative study focusing on European climate, renewable energy and green economy policy landscapes took place between April and September 2017 in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Serbia. The most important conclusions from the study will be presented and discussed at the conference, as well as in 3 national research publications, green politicians handbook and journalistic materials published on Bluelink regional electronic media Journalism in Public Interest, BlueLink Stories.

Enquiries regarding participation and logistics are expected by 6 Nov 2017, Monday to the attention of Mrs. Eva Stefanova, EU Projects assistant at the following email address: eva <at> bluelink <dot> net

More information about the conference could be found on the website of the Green European Foundation.


The project Re-Vision the Economy in the Balkans: Change Policy not Climate (name) is implemented by the Green European Foundation, BlueLink Foundation, Bulgaria, Association Sunrise, Macedonia and Association Networked, Serbia with the financial support of the European Parliament.
