Expanding support for European climate law in Bulgaria

Almost one year ago, in March 2020, following the implementation plan of the EU Green Deal agreement, the European Commission prepared a proposal of a European Climate Law. It aims to set up a legally binding target of net-zero green-house gas emissions by 2050. Once the law is adopted all EU member states are bound to take necessary actions to meet the target.
Till now the proposed climate law is discussed in the European parliament and in the member states. How soon it will be adopted by the parliamentarians and will be integrated in national legislations depends also on the public support.
BlueLink welcomes the European climate initiative and would like to contribute to raising public support for it in Bulgaria and further on to foster the development of a corresponding Bulgarian Climate Law and/or changes in related national legislature and strategic documents. We will focus on identifying groups in the civic field, which previously were not engaged with climate and environmental topic and will try to find cross-cutting interests and discuss with them how introduction of climate policy can bring benefits to their causes.
“BlueLink will increase the understanding of the need for European and Bulgarian climate law beyond the relatively narrow circle of experts and organizations working on climate issues - to groups and movements in other areas that have not yet understood it well enough. In addition to environmental groups, activists fighting for clean air and sustainable agriculture, they also include, for example, groups and organizations working on better healthcare, the well-being of agricultural and coastal communities, women’s rights, rights of young people, refugees and even peace and security in general. BlueLink is well prepared to accomplish this task through its unique combination of network functionality, analytical expertise and journalism”, said Pavel Antonov, managing editor and co-founder of the organization.
For that purpose, we will conduct a legal analysis of the European Climate Law and its implication to Bulgarian legislation, engage identified stakeholders in the discussion on the digital platform and provide advocacy support. We will cover these debates in the journalistic articles and other communication means. The duration of the project is planned for one year till February 2022.
As a civic action network, BlueLink has solid experience both in the field of independent journalism in the public interest and in working with various civic movements and activists to seek solutions to common problems, including through specialized research and consultation. As of January 2021, the network brings together and is used by 120 organizations and 172 individuals in support of democracy, environmental protection and the values of a united Europe.

Yet another important issue
BlueLink promotes shared European values: human dignity and rights, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, and environmental sustainability - by supporting trust-based civic networking and watchdog journalism. Help us do better! Learn more about the BlueLink's mission, vision, scope and activities. Share your stories, news and recommendations. Volunteer or join our international team. And make a donation to the BlueLink Foundation - this will keep us independent and firmly on course.