Green policies on social and human rights

Human and social rights are a key part of the green political agenda in Europe. It is not a surprise, given that access to a clean and healthy environment has been established as a human right in over 100 countries around the world. One of them is Bulgaria.
We wonder how environmentalists and human rights defenders interact in our country. To what extent does the upholding of human and social rights play a role in the policies and activities of green activists and politicians? Who are their closest or potential partners among women's rights defenders, ethnic and sexual minorities, migrants or social justice advocates?
Searching for answers, ideas and joint action between them, BlueLink has initiated the project "Expanding green policy space to human and social rights". Implementation of the first steps was supported by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Sofia.
Specific tasks of the project include:
- Defining the relation between green policies and human, ethnic, women, gender, refugee, social and economic rights and analyzing their proximity;
- Identification of the most active participants and groups in Bulgaria that could benefit from such cohesion;
- Demonstrating success stories of joint actions held in the past; and
- Outlining areas and opportunities for further interaction between environmentalists and human rights defenders in Bulgaria and Europe.
To achieve this, the BlueLink team will examine existing researches, policies, communication and actions of active individuals and organizations - mostly in the Internet, social networks and media. We will focus on the way in which the representatives of the two “camps” - environmentalists and human rights defenders - communicate to society and to each other. We will seek their opinions and evaluations of the potential for closer cooperation, problems and opportunities, as well as recommendations for future actions.
At the end of the project, we will compile the findings in an analytical report. The first phase of the project will be completed by October 2020.
Another important thing
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