Journalistic experience against transborder corruption

Journalistic experience of investigations on various cases of corruption in Russia and Europe are collected by journalists, experts and public activists, part of the group “Fighting Transborder Corruption” within the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum. Thе collection of articles covers several types of anticorruption journalistic investigation and aims to show different methods of doing transborder corruption investigations.

The collection of cases includes journalistic work based on data investigation, undercover investigation, interview based investigation, and search in DarkWeb. While using various investigation methods, the journalist must follow general journalistic principles, point out the authors of the collection. The principles of journalistic investigation are covered in detail in the conclusion article written by Pavel Antonov, a Bulgarian expert and editor of the Foundation BlueLink.

On October 3, 2017 in Sofia was held a round table entitled "Perspectives for collaboration between law enforcement insitututions in the EU and civic investigation groups for fighting transborder political corruption", with the participation of prosecutors from Italy, Spain, Ukraine and Russia. The event was organised by the group “Fighting Transborder Corruption” within the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and the BlueLink Foundation. 

EU-Russia Civil Society Forum (Forum, or CSF) is a network of thematically diverse non-governmental organisations from Russia and the European Union, established as a bottom-up civic initiative, independent from governments, political parties and businesses. The goal of the Forum is to strengthen cooperation between civil society organisations and to contribute to the integration between Russia and the EU, based on common values of pluralistic democracy, rule of law, human rights and social justice. The BlueLink Foundation has been a member of the Forum since 2015. 
