Let's protect Europe's civic space together - a letter to Věra Jourová

BlueLink is one of civil society organisations organised at National and European level, coming from a diversity of areas of citizens concerns, who have written to Věra Jourová, as the European Commission Vice President designate on Values and Transparency. This follows the commitment she took during her hearing at the European Parliament to become the contact person for civic space issues.
The signatories of the letter, coordinated by Civil Society Europe, welcome Věra Jourová’s important commitment in a context where freedoms of assembly, association and expression are increasingly challenged in Europe. They also highlight the need for ensuring an EU focal point for regular dialogue between EU institutions and a vibrant and independent organised civil society based on European values, as enshrined in EU Treaties. They also stress that any future strategy on the rule of law must include measures to promote and enable civic space as civil society organisations are a key partner to identify violations, promote democracy and fundamental rights.
Civil society organisations are looking forward to a meeting with the Vice President designate and her team to work together towards this important task that will be undertaken by the future European Commission.
You may access the full text and list of signatories of the letter here.
The full text of APC's position Egypt: Stop the crackdown on civil society is here.
Another important thing
In order to keep supporting the strtategic use of information and telecommunication technologies and the internet by civil society, for the sake of nature protection, common European values and democracy, we need to be independent. You can support BlueLink by making a donation to the BlueLink Foundation or becoming a volunteer to help our activities. Learn more about BlueLink's mission, vision and activities here.