Plamen Peev, PhD
Senior Expert, Accesst to Justice, Information and Participation in Decision Making
Legal specialist and policy expert. Author of research in the field of environmental law and policy, local government, EU and Bulgarian environmental legislation. Has worked as legal expert and manager of environmental projects for transposition and implementation of EU environmental legislation in Bulgaria and South-East Europe, especially in the field of waste management, SEA, chemicals and soils. Studied law at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“ (1990-1995) and PhD at Central European University, Budapest (2006-2011). Author of PhD thesis on local environmental governance and rules on the ground on local level in Bulgarian municipalities. Holds PhD in Environmental Sciences and Policy.
Recipient of the CEU award for advanced doctoral students in 2011 and of Estophilus scholarship of Estonian Institute for research of the environmental governance at local level in Estonia (2008). Author of Core training course manual and introductory training manual for the UNDP Rio Conventions Project in Bulgaria (2008) and of the Guidelines on integration of the biodiversity protection aspects in the process of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (2007).
Most recently, Plamen Peev has been a team leader in development of a strategy for sustainable use of Black Sea coastal ecosystems and in the monitoring and control of energy and extracting industry. He was a researcher of the shale gas policy in Bulgaria (2012) and of implementation and enforcement procedures in the environment sector under the Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) project for Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo (2011). In 2007-2008 Plamen Peev was a team leader of an academic team of CEU in UNDP/GEF project for integration of global environmental issues in regional development and spatial planning in Bulgaria. Project manager/lawyer at the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe in EU funded project CARDS: Assistance in the Environmental Law Drafting in South Eastern Europe with a focus on the Western Balkans countries and on quality checking of transposing of 25 Directives in the sector of the environment (2005). Attorney-at-law at Noblex Law and Business Consulting (2001-2004, 2006). Mr. Peev was team leader of the legal team to support the municipalities of Central and Eastern Rhodopi in providing of waste management services under in the project: Municipal services - procurement and management, financed by UK Government.
Legal expert in the National Association Legal Initiative for Local Government in establishment and maintenance of network of legal experts at the municipalities and support of their work with trainings and methodology materials.
Plamen Peev has interests in literature, cinema, tennis, football and volleyball.