Saving Values: First International Conference of Interreg DANUrB+

Mon, 2021-10-11 10:00 - 12:00

11th October, 2021 is the birth date of the DANUrB International Association (DIA) in Esztergom, Hungary. The ceremony wrapped up the 1st DANUrB+ International Conference, hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK). The participants had the opportunity to attend the event in person at the Szent Adalbert Event Center or to join it online.

The Saving Values Conference is linked to two occasions. On one hand, it commemorates the 20th anniversary of the reconnection of two cities on the opposite banks of the Danube: Esztergom (HU) and Sturovo (SK) by the Mária Valéria bridge, which literal reconnection became a rather symbolic act after 56 years of history. On the other hand, the DANUrB+ team planned to formally establish DIA, aiming to transform an international project into a sustainable, active, and rooted collaboration format. One of the purposes of the association is to coordinate cultural initiatives along the Danube River and to create the certification label of the Danube Settlements (Danube Urban Brand).

The aim of the event was to boost knowledge transfer on operational strategies to sustain cross-border corporations in an institutionalized framework focusing on the different eco-social aspects. The focus points of the conference were the following:

    Introducing established practices of significant cross-border associations and collaborations
    Sharing know-how about strategic thinking in terms of Danube communities
    Examining connectivity potential among different networks
    Boosting networking of networks considering long-term impact and quality label systematization

„Saving Values” Conference was about highlighting cross-sectoral and cross-project cooperation at an international level. Sister and closely related  projects along the Danube shared values united by the River - LIFE Danube Free Sky, Amazon of Europe Bike Trail Project, Danube-Networkers for Europe, New European Bauhaus on Danube, Ciklo COOLtura, Transdanube Travel Stories, Heritage IG official, Living Danube Limes. Through various collaborations and initiatives one can join forces and contribute to the sustainable development and preservations of the values along the Danube
