Termites Without Borders: Presentation of Investigative Journalist Atanas Tchobanov

A public discussion regarding illegal logging practices in Northwestern Bulgaria
Deforestation through legal and illegal logging is a transnational problem. Big corporations organize networks comprised of small, local enterprises in different countries, purchase the wood and “grease” local corruption. During the public discussion we shall focus on the logging contracts signed between a big Austrian company and local enterprises - “termites”. How many hectares did they cut during the last years? How can we trace these practices by means of modern digital technology? Are there any involved politicians in the transboundary scheme with illegally extracted wood?
Red House Centre for Culture and Debate
# 15, Lyuben Karavelov Str., Sofia, Bulgaria
20 October, 2015 (Tuesday)
Opening: 11:00 am
Draft Agenda
10:30-11:00 - Registration
11:00-11:15 - Opening, Mrs. Aurelie Marechal, Green European Founation; Mr. Borislav Sandov, Zelenite; Mr. Pavel Antonov, BlueLink.net/Evromegdan.bg
11:15-12:00 – Presentation of initial results from an independent journalistic investigation about illegal practices for logging and selling of wood in Northwestern Bulgaria – Mr. Atanas Tchobanov, investigative journalist, Bivol
12:00-13:00 – Moderated discussion
13:00-14:00 ч. – Closure and glass of wine
Please register for participation at the latest by 19.10.2015, Monday, by email to eva <at> bluelink <dot> net, as you send the following details of the appointed representative: name and surname, position, organization, phone and email address.
The public discussion is organized within the framework of project GEF-15-01/02 „Establishing a Transboundary Watchdog Mechanism for Environmental Problems For Green Political Parties and NGOs on the Balkans“, financed by the Green European Foundation and jointly implemented by BlueLink, Zelenite and Bivol.