Selected BlueLink Publications

2024 Peev, P., with Marhold, V. The Concept of "Climate Rights" Assessment Framework, Classification and Country Examples. Legal Study. Justice and Environment. Prague.

2024 Antonov, P (ed.)  Нагреваеми тютюневи заблуждения: Как тютюневите компании лансират подвеждащи твърдения пред медиите, науката и държавното управление [Heated tobacco delusions: How tobacco companies launch misleading statements at mass media, science and government]. Coalition for Smokefree Life Association. Sofia.

2023 Peev. P., Country studies concerning state aid - Bulgaria. (Национални изследвания относно държавните помощи - България.)  Justice and Environment. Prague.

2023 Peev. P., Implementation of the EU Climate Law in Bulgaria. Legal Analysis. (Прилагане на Европейския климатичен закон в България. Правен анализ. Justice and Environment. Prague.

2023 Antonov, P., Velichkov, V. and Georgieva, A. Свободни в Мрежата: Има ли несправедливо отношение към демократични, природозащитни и проевропейски гласове в българския Facebook и как да го прекратим? [Free Online: Are democratic, environmentalist and pro-European voices unfairly treated by Facebook in Bulgaria and how shall we stop that?].  BlueLink Foundation. Sofia.

2022 Peev, P. Анализ на предизборните програми на основните политически партии по отношение на климатичните политики, енергетиката, справедливия преход и други относими политики. Analytical report, BlueLink.

2022 Gavrailova, M., Geshanova, G., Antonov. P. Toxic Dependence /Токсична зависимост. Investigative report, Smoke Free Life Coalition.

2022 Dimitrova, M. Ролята на общините в процеса на постигането на целите на европейския климатичен закон. Analytical report, BlueLink, European Climate Foundation.

2021 Telarico, F. Demythologising the ‘Russification’ of Bulgarian media’s treatment of civil society. Research report made by Fabio Telarico under his internship at BlueLink.

2021 Peev, P. Legal Analysis of the Bulgarian Climate Law and Possibilities for Effective Implementation of the European Climate Law (Правен анализ на българското законодателство в областта на климата и възможностите за неговото усъвършенстване от гледна точка на изпълнението на Европейския климатичен закон). 

2021 Daskalova, N., Antonov, P, Encheva., Elenkova, R., Kadieva, M., Yalamov, T. After the Storm: How to restore policy dialogue and supportive discourse against gender based violence online in Bulgaria (След бурята - как да възстановим политическия диалог и подкрепящия дискурс срещу онлайн насилието, основано на пола, в България). Research report. BlueLink Foundation and Association for Progressive Communications. Sofia.

2021 Antonov, P., Brose, L., Boesch, S., Delhomme, V., Hitchman, S.,Nagelhout, G., and Peev, P. / ICF S.A and Rand Europe. Final Report: Support study to the report on the application of Directive 2014/40/EU. European Commission. Brussels.

2021 Peev, P. The new kid in town: e-justice as a promise for environmental democracy in the European Union, regional report published in the GISWatch 2000: Technology, the environment and a sustainable world: Responses from the global South.

2021. Naseva, E., Antonov, P., Gavrailova, M., Pavlova, Y., Geshanova, G., Ivanov, H., Barova, V. An Unhealthy Relationship:  Bulgarian young people’s attitudes to using tobacco products

2020. Tsoneva, J., Bozhinova, D., Antonov, P., Vakhrusheva, K. Expanding the Green Policy Space to Human and Social Rights in Bulgaria. Research Report. BlueLink Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

2020. Antonov, P., Barova, V., Vakhrusheva, K. Фокусът с нагреваемите тютюневи продукти в медиите [The Trick with Heated Tobacco Products in the Media]. Analytical report in Bulgarian. BlueLink.

2020. Antonov, P., Ivanov, H. Корона и тютюн [Corona and Tobacco]. Report in Bulgarian. BlueLink

2019. Antonov, P. and Barova, V. Missing S - Review of Tobacco Sponsorship in Bulgaria. Report in Bulgarian. BlueLink Foundation.

2019. Antonov, P. and Barova, V. A wolf in sheep’s clothing: tobacco industry’s sponsorship and CSR in Bulgaria. Paper presente at the 4th International Conference on Tobacco Control Tomorrow’s sustainable development starts now - time to accelerate tobacco control!  March 27 – 29, 2019. Bucharest. ENSP-SRP.

2018. Slavova, E., Yalamov, T., Antonov, P., Vakhrusheva, K. Free Speech vs. Hate Speech. Online Security for Environmental, Gender and Human Rights Activists in Bulgaria. Analytical report. BlueLink.

2018. BlueLink Foundation.  Виновници и жертви - Жените в журналистическата практика в България [Culprits and victims - Women in Bulgaria's journalistic practice]. Project report in Bulgarian. Sofia. Download PDF.

2018. Marzec, W., Civil Society Rejected – Structural Pathways and Historical Evidence from Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria. Analytical report. BlueLink.

2018. Antonov, P., Journalism and Public Participation on the Crossroad, paper delivered at the CO-SEED: Regional Conference on Public Participation. June 28 - 29, 2018, Istanbul. WWF.

2018. Peev, P.,  Climate change and the commitments under the Paris Agreement: the context for cooperation between EU and Ukraine. Paper delivered at the 6th meeting of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform. Brussels.

2018. Antonov, P.,  Journalistic investigations into cases of transborder corruption, in Fighting Transborder Corruption: Building Capacity for EU and Russian Civil Investigators edited by A.Kalikh. Working group on transborder corruption. EU-Russia Civil Society Forum. pp.51-56.

2018 Peev, P., with Drakou et al., Marine and coastal ecosystem services on the science–policy–practice nexus: challenges and opportunities from 11 European case studies. In International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, edited by Rudolf de Groot. 

2017. Vakhrusheva, K., Antonov, P., Bulgaria: Growing instability, in 2017 Report on the State of Civil Society in the EU and Russia. EU-Russia Civil Society Forum. pp. 78-98.

2017 Antonov, P., Konstantinov, D., Odjaklieska, H., Živkovic, Ž., Stancic, M. Revision of the Economy in the Balkans: Change Policy Not Climate! Research Report. Green European Foundation, BlueLink Foundation. 

2017 Yalamov, T. The Internet governance forum does not work in countries where good governance does not work. In Global Information Society Watch 2017 - National and Regional Internet Governance Forum Initiatives (NRIs), edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications.

2017 Antonov, P. and Gavrailova, M. Tobacco Industry interference in tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) policy making in Bulgaria. Paper. ENSP International Conference on Tobacco Control. Athens. May 24, 2017.

2016 Antonov, P and Belev.T., Participation for Nature: Nature-protection organisations’ representation to councils and other bodies of national and local authorities [Участие за природа: Представителство на природозащитни организации в съвети и други органи на държавната и местна власт], Analytical report. BlueLink Foundation, Za Zemyata, Bulgarian Foundation for Biodiversity. Sofia.

2015 Antonov, P. Bulgaria: Azis Against All Odds. In Global Information Society Watch 2015 -  Sexual rights and the internet, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries.

2015 Antonov, P., Trifonova, D. Challenging Neo-Journalism: Professional and ethical standards applied by mission-driven online media start-ups in Bulgaria. Paper. The Digital Media Challenge. CEECOM2015 - The Central and Eastern European Media and Communication Conference, 12-14 June 2015, Zagreb.

2014 Antonov, P., Bulgaria: Zigzagging Away. In Global Information Society Watch 2014 -  Communication surveillance in the digital age, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries.

2014 Antonov, P. Neoliberalisation of post-socialist journalistic practice in Bulgaria. Paper. Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe: A new generation on the move. CBEES Annual conference  2014, December 4-5. Stockholm.

2013 Antonov, P. Professionalism versus environmental change in the journalistic field: Participant observation in two Bulgarian newsrooms. Paper delivered at Democratization through Social Activism: Gender and Environmental Issues in Post-Communist Societies. Political Science International Graduate Conference at the National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest, 16-17 May 2013.

2013 Vroom, R., Antonov, P., Bulgaria: Divided Movements, Divided Rights. In Global Information Society Watch 2013 -  Women‘s rights, gender and ICT, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries.

2012 Antonov, P., Bulgaria: Professional journalism and public participation in Bulgaria’s tobacco smoking legislation, in Citizen Voices: Performing Public Participation in Science and Environment Communication, edited by Louise Phillips, Anabela Carvalho and Julie Doyle, ECREA Book Series / Intellect, Bristol, Chicago. 2012

2012 Antonov, P., Bulgaria: The case of direct participation in law enforcement by the Smoke-free Bulgaria citizens’ initiative, In Global Information Society Watch 2012: The Internet and Corruption, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries. India. 2010.

2011 Antonov, P, Dimitrova, M., Tzvetkov, P., and Vassilev, D. Blue Paper: За споделена ценностна рамка на действената природозащитна общност [Blue Paper: For a shared value system of the active nature protection community]. Analytical report for the thematic session on Trends and Actors in the Nature Protection Community, National Conference of Environmental NGOs – Ecomreja Bulgaria. May 13 – 14, 2011. Sofia. (in Bulgarian).

2011 Ivanov, V. E-Waste in Bulgaria: Practices and Problems. Conference paper. Seventh International Conference ICT and Environment. Skopje.

2011 Staevska, V., Bulgaria, In Global Information Society Watch 2011: The Internet and Democratisation, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries. India. 2010.

2010, Antonov, P, Building Advocacy Networks. In Global Information Society Watch 2010: Focus on ICTs and environmental sustainability, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries. India. 2010.

2010, Staevska, V, Bulgaria. In Global Information Society Watch 2010: Focus on ICTs and environmental sustainability, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries. India. 2010.

2010, Antonov, P. with Tzenkov, E., Yalamov, T., Galev, T., Encheva, Sv., Todorov, B., and Georgieva, Y. Civil Society in Bulgaria: Trends and Risks. Report. Center for the Study of Democracy. Sofia.

2009 Growing pressure on internet freedom and communication rights of Bulgarian citizens. Report to Internal Assessment - 2009, Association for Progressive Communications. Johannesburg.

2009, Staevska, V. with Kashumov, A., Bulgaria. In Global Information Society Watch 2009: Access to Online Information and Knowledge, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries. 2009. – in partnership with the Access to Information Programme, Bulgaria.

2008, Todorova, D., Bokova, M., Bulgaria. In Global Information Society Watch 2008: Access to Infrastructure, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries. 2010.

2007 Antonov, P. Information Technology for Environmental Sustainability. Discussion paper. Association for Progressive Communications. Johannesburg.

2007 Antonov, P. with Paul Brown. Az atomenergia megújulása Kelet-Közép-Európában [The renewal of nuclear energy in Central-Eastern Europe], Az Elemző / The Analyst. 3/2. pp.149 - 156. Budapest. Hungary.

2007, Racholova, E., Boudreaux, M. Bulgaria. In Global Information Society Watch 2007: Focus on Participation, edited by Alan Finley. Association for Progressive Communications and Human Rights Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries. 2010.

2006 Antonov, P. E stands for environment: ICT tools to empower activists struggling to protect environment around the world. APC News. July 2006 / 66. Association for Progressive Communications.
