E-инструментите за гражданско участие в управлението изискват активни дейности офлайн |
Новина |
13-06-2012 |
Eco-innovations for Economic Change and Shared Prosperity |
Страница |
27-10-2017 |
Eco-innovations for Green Economic Change and Shared Prosperity - International Practice and Policy Research Conference |
Новина |
27-11-2017 |
Ecological effects of public investments for social inclusion |
Документ |
02-02-2018 |
Ecology = Economy |
Документ |
02-02-2018 |
Effective climate policies and actions for Bulgaria |
Новина |
07-03-2022 |
Enabling Quality Watchdog Journalism |
Страница |
11-03-2024 |
Environmental Watchdog Journalism Workshop - Germany / January 9-13, 2018 |
Новина |
29-09-2019 |
Estonia's investments in oil shale contradict EU´s funding policy |
Новина |
14-05-2020 |
EU new regulation on copyright should safeguard human rights and free speech. |
Новина |
05-12-2018 |