Presentations |
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16-11-2017 |
Presentation Abstracts |
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09-11-2017 |
Poor engagement with international internet governance in Bulgaria |
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23-02-2018 |
Plamen Peev, PhD |
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24-09-2017 |
Photos of the conference Eco-innovations for Green Economic Change and Shared Prosperity |
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27-11-2017 | представете си свят, в който е разрешено да гледате само телевизия |
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19-01-2012 |
Pavel Antonov, PhD |
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19-01-2024 |
Over 145 Organisations Ask Council to Stop a Rushed EU Copyright Reform |
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26-04-2018 |
On Termites' Trail - Joint Efforts Against Illegal Logging |
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22-12-2015 |
NGOs and lawyers seek ways to foster access to justice |
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22-09-2018 |