Green Watchdogs

Investigative journalists, environmental NGOs and green party members join efforts to counter transborder corruption and illegal deforestration in four countries in South Eastern Europe. BlueLink implements the project in partnership with SUNRISE – Association for Sustainable and Economic Development, Macedonia, National Environmental Center, Moldova, Green institute, Romania, and with the financial support of the Green European Foundation. Activities took place from April to December 2015.



About the Project 

The project called 'Establishing a Transboundary Watchdog Mechanism for Environmental Problems For Green Political Parties and NGOs on the Balkans' consists of investigative journalism research in 4 South Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and Moldova), focusing on environmental problems of a transboundary importance (e.g. air quality, atomic energy, illegal logging, waste management, extractive industry, etc.). 


Publications and Activites 

Journalistic investigations


With a Computer Mouse against Forest Termites - investigative article by Atanas Tchobanov, Bulgaria



Transnational Seminar in Sofia


On 18th September 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, Bluelink Information Network, in cooperation with Political Party Zelenite, hosted a transnational seminar to discuss the preliminary results from an investigative journalism research in 4 South Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and Moldova), focusing on counteracting illegal logging and other unsustainable practices concerning management of forests and protected areas in each of the four countries. See more at 'Journalists from Four Countries Investigate Illegal Logging and Forestry Management'.


'Termites without Borders' - National seminar regarding illegal logging practices in Northwestern Bulgaria


On 20th October 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, Bluelink Information Network (, in cooperation withPolitical Party Zelenite (, hosted a Nationalseminar entitled “Termites without Borders”, focusing on illegal logging practices in Northwestern Bulgaria. The event brought together representatives from media, NGOs and national executive agencies engaged in management of forest resources in the country, as well as representatives of the project partners from Macedonia – political party DOM and NGO Sunrise. The main focus of the event was the presentation of initial results from an independent journalistic investigation about illegal practices for logging and selling of wood in Northwestern Bulgaria. See more at 'On Termites' Trail - Joint Efforts Against Illegal Logging' and 'New Search Engine for Tracking Forest Logging Permits by Bivol'.

