Еnglish language journalism subeditor part time wanted

BlueLink is looking for a part time native English speaking subeditor for its editorial activities. Previous experience in copy editing or journalism is required. While BlueLink operates from Sofia, Bulgaria, you will be able to work remotely, possibly from another city or country, using your own computer and internet access. Your job will be to proof and copy edit articles written by journalists from across Central and Eastern Europe and Germany, as part of the BlueLink Newsroom project. Most authors, as well as BlueLink's editors, are non-native users of English, so it will be your task to 'fix' stories' language up to standard, suggest catchier headlines and subheadings, or otherwise improve the quality of English language editorial products. Ability to process images, layout of tables and infographics will be an advantage. A net of EUR 225/month will be available on competitive basis. We ask interested candidates to indicate their time availability for work that they can commit for this amount, as well as any other relevant circumstances and considerations. The successful candidate will be integrated in BlueLink's editing team and may need to join editorial meetings or workshops every now and then. BlueLink is a non-for-profit e-network, registered with the purpose of supporting the use of the Internet, information and computer technologies for enhancing civil society, democracy and European values and protecting the environment. BlueLink is committed to upholding responsible honest journalism in public interest by using old-school ethical and professional standards and innovative technological solutions. Send us an inquiry, or apply with a brief description of your interest, profile and links to past work through http://www.bluelink.net/contact ot by email to office <at> bluelink <dot> net. Applications will be reviewed as they arrive and the position will be filled as soon as we receive a suitable candidate.