In the Danube Week, BlueLink presented its work on DANURB+ at a conference in Vidin and Calafat

A regional conference on "The Creative Danube. Connectivity - the key to overcoming shrinking" was held on June 30 and July 1, 2022 in Vidin and Calafat. It is part of the events in Section 3 of the DANUrB+ project. Within the framework of the event, various scientific and popular developments related to the cultural potential of the Danube cities in Bulgaria and Romania were presented, with a focus on the region of North-West Bulgaria, as well as Banat and Oltenia in Romania.
BlueLink participated with a presentation in the first panel of the conference, which covered the development of the creative industries in the conditions of a negative demographic and economic outlook. The expert at the foundation, Dr. Gavrail Gavrailov, presented the work of the BlueLink team so far in the Ulpia Escus-Novae BG region, which covers the municipalities of Gulyantsi, Nikopol, Belene and Svishtov. Special emphasis was placed on the Action Plan developed on 15 small projects, which also includes the valorization of the Roman cultural heritage by stimulating the holding of a festival for historical reenactments at the Ulpia Escus in the similarity to the "Eagle on the Danube" at Novae next to Svishtov. Also in the plans of the local communities is the promotion of the Vlach heritage, which is most clearly visible in the villages of Milkovitsa and Dolni Vit in the municipality of Gulyantsi.
Good examples were given in the work of the municipalities of Belene and Nikopol, where two festivals related to the culinary traditions of Danube fish cuisine are coming up in July. On July 2nd is the event in Belene, and on July 16th in Nikopol. During the conference, other key topics for the development of the Danube region were discussed - how to create more physical and spiritual connections between the two banks, how to stimulate joint actions and how to adapt these processes to the common European policy for cultural integration of the regions. Among the key speakers at the conference were Prof. Georgi Georgiev from New Bulgarian University and Prof. Angelica Stan from the Ion Mincu Academy in Bucharest. Good practices were also presented, such as the activity of a culinary club from the village of Antimovo "Grandma's Forgotten Dishes", which is related to Vlach ethnographic traditions from Vidin area. Representatives of the local authorities of Vidin and Calafat greeted the participants.
The text was prepared within the project DANube Urban Brand + Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Danube's Cultural Heritage (DANUrB +) . The project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), as well as the national budget of Republic of Bulgaria through the budget of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
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