News from BlueLink


On Wednesday April 21 after 14 hours of discussions negotiators from the European Parliament and the Member States reached a concensus on the specific elements of the draft European Climate Law. This is considered a big step forward to a climate neutral Europe by the environmental community. Here are the most important negotiated points:

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

The Board of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, an umbrella organization BlueLink is a member of, demands that the authorities of the Russian Federation immediately cease their politically motivated attack on the Alexey Navalny's organisations and allow the politician to be visited by doctors of his choice in prison.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

On March 4, 2018 after two years of preparation and three years of negotiations, 24 countries adopted the Escazú Convention, the region’s first ever legally binding treaty on environmental rights.

Submitted by:'s picture Eвромегдан.бг

The DANUrB Platform has been reactivated and is ready to enrich its content with good new practices of cultural and historical heritage in the Danube regions. This became  evident  at  the  3rd partner meeting, which took place on February 26, 2021.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Almost one year ago, in March 2020, following the implementation plan of the EU Green Deal agreement, the European Commission prepared a proposal of a European Climate Law. It aims to set up a legally binding target of net-zero green-house gas emissions by 2050. Once the law is adopted all EU member states are bound to take necessary actions to meet the target.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Tobacco corporations are incompatible with adherence to any human rights-based structure, wrote the Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) to Emilio Rafael Izquierdo Miño - the Chair-Rapporteur, of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights (OEIGWG).

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Improving the dialogue between the Bulgarian government and various stakeholders and professional groups that will be directly affected by the implementation of the Bulgarian National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (NPRR) should be a leading element in finalizing the plan and its subsequent implementation during the period 2021-2024.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

The lasting improvement of transparency and civic monitoring over established practices and policies for spending public funds opens new opportunities for interaction between the municipal administrations with the civil society and the business in Blagoevgrad district.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Ideas for an urgent revision of the Bulgarian National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (NPRR) after Coronavirus in five major areas were discussed by experts at a press conference, which was held on 15.01.2021 in Sofia. The event was organized by the Coalition "For a Green Restart".

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

EKOenergy – an international not-for-profit ecolabel – is launching a call for renewable energy projects in developing countries.

In order to bring additionality to renewable energy purchases and help realise SDG 7 (affordable, clean energy for all), the EKOenergy ecolabel raises funds for new renewable energy projects in developing countries and regions.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink