News from BlueLink


Mayors of the municipalities of Belene, Nikopol and Gulyantsi and BlueLInk’s Chief Editor Pavel Antonov signed an Action Plan for Municipal and Regional Development through the Valorization of the Danube-related Cultural Heritage in the municipalities of Belene, Gulyantsi and  Nik

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

An attractive digital reality for the first Bulgarian printed book "Abagar" will build a modern image of literary tourism in the Danube municipalities of Nikopol, Belene and Gulyantsi.


A regional conference on "The Creative Danube. Connectivity - the key to overcoming shrinking" was held on June 30 and July 1, 2022 in Vidin and Calafat. It is part of the events in Section 3 of the DANUrB+ project.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

On June 16 and 17, 2022 in Ruse was held the 17th edition of the Tourist Exchange and Festival of Attractions and Crafts "Weekend Tourism". BlueLink participated with an information stand and a presentation, which was dedicated to the work of the foundation on the project for urban brand DANUrB +.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

The project "Journalism and science for climate" aims to improve the insufficient and often misleading coverage of climate change mitigation in the media in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia. We implement it in partnership with Climateka (Bulgaria), Klima101 (Serbia), Masfel Fok (Hungary), InforClima (Romania) and with the support of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI).

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

On Monday May 16, 2022 the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will vote Amendment 393 to the Governance Regulation (2018/1999), which would insert a duty for each Member State to set out by 30 June 2023 the date by which they have decided that they will reach climate neutrality.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Threats of termination of gas supplies pushed the discussions not only about energy independence, but also on energy transition and decarbonisation of Bulgarian economy.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Upon request from the Chair of the Compliance Committee, BlueLink has conveyed her letter issued on 27 February 2022, to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of all Parties to the Convention.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Pavel Antonov, Managing Editor of, live from a civic demonstration in front of the Embassy of Ukraine in Bulgaria for solidarity with the Ukrainian people against aggression: "I am in front of the Embassy of Ukraine in Sofia, where Ukraine, Russia and other European countries have expressed solidarity with the Ukrainians and the Ukrainian people against what

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Developing carbon neutrality policies in line with European climate legislation will help our country cope with climate-induced natural disasters and improve business and investment opportunities as well as people's health and quality of life, experts in the field of climate, energy and economics agreed.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink