News from BlueLink


A civil society forum in Sofia proposed effective steps to break new walls around access to justice and civic participation, and to overcome pressure against environmental and human defenders. The event took place on October 17, 2019 in the House of Europe in Sofia.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

BlueLink is one of civil society organisations organised at National and European level, coming from a diversity of areas of citizens concerns, who have written to Věra Jourová, as the European Commission Vice President designate on Values and Transparency.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

As a member of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC),  BlueLink is alarmed with the crackdown on Egyptian civil society, which has intensified over the past weeks amidst demonstrations calling for President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to resign.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

The attack on democratic civic organizations is an assault on the Constitution, statehood and rule of law in Bulgaria. It is inadmissible for representatives of the state power and the prosecutor's office to participate in it.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

More systematic monitoring, implementation of environmental rehabilitation policies and prevention of environmental damages is needed in rural areas across Albania, affected by extractive and energy industry operations.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

BueLink contributed to the ICT for environmental sustainability section of the forthcoming midterm strategy of the Association for Progrressive Communications (APC).

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

What’s the role of Internet technologies in facilitation or prevention of gender based violence (GBV) in Bulgaria and how can Internet communication reverse the dominant anti-gender rights attitudes will analyze an expert research team led by BlueLink.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Climate activists can give a boost to their movements with open online courses on Green Learning. The platform by Green European Foundation aims to provide free online courses for learners to build their knowledge and develop their skills.

There are four courses available on the platform: 

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

Young and active journalists from Albania are welcome to apply for a professional workshop that will take place on 29-30 May 2019 in Fier, Albania.

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink

BlueLink informs its partners and supporters for a change of the bank account of the organisation. Since March 25, 2019 BlueLink has been a client of United Bulgarian Bank. The previous bank account has been closed. The choice of a new bank has been made in line with its ethical policies that correspond to BlueLink's mission. 

Submitted by: BlueLink's picture BlueLink