Support for the petition to launch a Day of Hungarian Nature supports a public initiative by WWF Hungary, The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society and Friends of the Earth Hungary to establish the Day of Hungarian Nature.The key aim is to secure a day in our calendars dedicated to the recognition, praise and protection of the unique Hungarian nature and its resources.

The petition on the website has been signed by more than 2,000 people on the first day of its launch. It has got close to 11,000 supporters by the end of its first month and is still going strong.Among the signees are Hungarian public figures, like the wolf protection campaigner and world boxing champion Zsolt Erdei, Mari-Prize winning actress Für Anikó Jászai, musician and songwriter Zoltán Czutor, and award winning jazz singer Veronika Harcsa. The petition was signed by people around the world - from Serbia and Ireland, to the UK and Canada. Bulgaria's civic action network also supports the petition.

"Hungary's environmental NGOs' network Green Spider ( was an inspiring model for Bulgarian NGOs back in 1998 when BlueLink was founded. Ever since then has worked closely with Hungary-based partners under various projects and initiatives. So our support is a natural step of solidarity and support with the quest of protectig Hungary's nature", commented's Executive Editor Dr. Pavel Antonov. Antonov is based in Budapest since 2001.

All non-Hungarian speaking supporters may spread the word and join the movement by clicking the button “Aláírom” (Hungarian for ‘I sign’).

The full text of the petition reads:

There are already plenty of dedicated days in the international calendar which are there to raise awareness about the treasures of the Earth. Time has come for us, Hungarians, to step up and celebrate what is important to us. There are plenty of nations worldwide who took action in order to secure a sustainable future in which the protection and respect for their natural environment has a crucial role. Now it is our turn to raise our voices and unite under our shared love for our natural landscapes, treasures, our natural heritage! Let us therefore establish the Day of Hungarian Nature in alliance with the work of Hungarian nature conservation.

By joining our call with your signature you declare sharing the following values:

I care about the future of the Hungarian natural landscape.

I want to provide the future generations with the possibility to walk under the tree giants of our forests.

I want our grandchildren to meet our native animal species.

I want our children to swim in our clear and natural waters.

I want the Hungarian land to provide us with sustainably harvested rich, nutritious and healthy food.

I want the wise agricultural cultivation of Hungarian land to secure the availability of our natural resources for generations to come.

I want the clear, fresh air and all other treasures of our fields and forests to further secure our well -being.

I want the freshwaters of Hungary to stay this healthy and rich, providing enough high-quality drinking water for centuries to come.

I want our national parks to keep up their valued work of preserving the treasures and resources of Hungarian nature.

Therefore I want the Institutional System of Hungarian Nation Conservation to continue with its 40 years of professional practice and to become a strong and independent force securing the future of our natural heritage which is our national heritage!
